“For the mountains may move

    and the hills disappear,

but even then my faithful love for you will remain.

    My covenant of blessing will never be broken,”

    says the Lord, who has mercy on you.”

Isaiah 54:10

Is there anyone in the world that actually enjoys change? Most of us are creatures of habit, so when anything changes in the slightest, we definitely take notice!

When I sense change coming, I fight it for as long as I can and then eventually surrender, realizing time and time again that I’ve made things so much harder for myself.

There is one thing that doesn’t change though, and that is God’s love for us. Through every season of life, no matter how exciting or how devastating – His faithful love remains. It does not change, falter or decrease.

When it seems like things are falling apart, we can always go back to the basics – we are His children, and we are so loved.

God, today I’m thankful that You stay the same through every season of life. Thank you for loving me.

1 Comment

  1. Jinkwen MYLENE claire

    Thank you Lord for your unchangeable and unconditional love for us each day. I am bless