
Psalm 121:1-2


I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth (Psalm 121: 1-2). I always struggled to understand this verse. The thought of standing in a field and looking at hills was so strange to me,…

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While flying a plane in thick fog, the pilot cannot be sure of his direction unless he gives full attention to his instruments. In a thunderstorm, the turbulence can toss the plane about; the darkness within the clouds may cause disorientation. Sometimes the pilot will feel as though he is going up or down or turning around. But he cannot depend on his feelings. Only the gyros can be trusted, so the pilot must hang on to the controls in the turbulence, and discipline his mind to concentrate on the instruments-not on the storm.

There is a parallel spiritual truth for the believer in troubled times.

Undisciplined feelings will cause disorientation-even a crash- unless we keep ourselves stabilized by the facts of God’s Word.

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