The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18.

God is drawn to the proximity of your brokenness and if your spirit is crushed, He is ready to save you.

Grieving can make your world tremble and paralyze your voice. Suffering losses, whether it is the repercussions of a national disaster or the passing of a loved one, can pillage language by stealing your ability to articulate what emotions and sentiments you’ve experienced.

Another aspect of known language is when a person can define a word, but has never experienced its meaning. For instance, the literary devices of past, present, and future tense are fundamental to the formation of sentence structures and considered elementary. However, what do you do when the present-tense phrase, “I love” turns to the past tense phrase, “I loved.” The fundamental parts of speech are no longer elementary, but compounded into emotional responses you cannot prepare for.

Express Yourself

Vocalizing the depth of our brokenness can be next to impossible at times. How can someone articulate the complexities of their emotion into words? Thankfully, God knows the cry of your heart and the pain you have experienced. We serve a God who knows the language of grief and who is touched by the feeling of our infirmities. If you are hurting today, take your pain to the Lord in prayer; He can help carry your burdens.

Prayer: Lord, I pray that I when I feel brokenness and crushed in my spirit that I would feel You near me. Surround me, oh Lord, when I do not know how to pray. Comfort me when I feel alone and afraid. Help me to know that You are with me in the valleys of life. And, I pray that you will remind me that You will never leave or forsake me.


Angela Overton is a lover of words, nature, and coffee. She is an ordained minister with the UPCI, has a Masters Degree in Theology, and loves to teach Bible studies. She and her amazing husband, Michael, pastor in Silver Spring, Maryland.

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