“Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.” Psalm 51:10-12

Renew – Restore – Uphold. These three words are lavished with peace and power.

Do you remember how excited you were when you started living for God? I was fifteen-years-old when I received the Holy Ghost and I told everyone I could about the love of God; my friends, the barista at Starbucks, people waiting at the bus terminal … everyone!

Over the years my excitement has been ignited and quenched. The fire that once blazed vibrant in my life has been stomped out by people’s opinions, criticisms, and even by my own insecurities and sin. My once effervescent passion for God has been tainted by the everyday happenings of life.

Have you been there before? Maybe you are at this place right now. If you feel like you have lost your fervent adoration for God, there is hope. I encourage you to read and pray Psalm 51 out loud—God is able to renew and restore the joy of your salvation.

Prayer: Lord, I pray that you would restore the joy of your salvation in my life today. Remind me of where You have brought me from. I am thankful for Your grace and mercy in my life. 


Angela Overton is a lover of words, nature, and coffee. She is an ordained minister with the UPCI, has a Masters Degree in Theology, and loves to teach Bible studies. She and her amazing husband, Michael, pastor in Silver Spring, Maryland.

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