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There’s something about an impending thunderstorm that heightens the senses. The atmosphere stills as the metallic scent of ozone charges the air. Grass and overhanging branches weighed down with leaves suddenly turn a more vibrant green against the dark grey sky. Lightning forks across the clouds, then the wind churns…

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Don’t you love a great story? The best stories – at least to me – have a fair maiden, a swashbuckling hero, and, of course, an evil villain. What makes it interesting? It’s the conflict between those characters. Without conflict, there is no story. The writer lets the characters battle through their  struggles, knowing that the “happily ever after” will ultimately arrive. It’s all part of…

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Sermons have been preached, lessons written and theological arguments expounded about the woman with “the issue of blood” (Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48). What was the problem? What made Jesus know that “virtue had gone out of Him”? What did that mean? What was different about her touch versus the touch…

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