Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near, Hebrews 10:24-25.

It’s important to not only pray about the call of God on people lives, but to also encourage the call of God on their life.

For a moment, think about David in the Bible. We know him as a shepherd boy, a harpist, an armor bearer, a giant killer, a military genius, a King, a sinner saved by grace, a poet, and many other things. He was a man of great talent, but who encouraged him to become all that he could be?

  • Jesse, David’s father, did not even recognize the anointing on his son’s life. David’s father did not even consider to bring him before when the prophet Samuel asked to see all of his sons.
  • Saul, David’s leader, was too insecure to promote David’s ability and create opportunity for his giftings. Instead of desiring David to win and succeed, Saul desired him to fail and eventually tried to kill Him on multiple occasions.
  • Michael, David’s wife, despised her husbands worship.


As leaders, we can never get to the place where we don’t see the anointing, ability, and heart for God in an individual. Or, what could be even worse than not seeing an anointing on someone’s is seeing their potential and ignoring it due to our personal insecurities.

  • Instead, we need to be like Samuel who will release the David’s under our ministry to be everything God intended for him to be.
  • Samuel was not intimidated that David would one day be a King and that he would remain a prophet, but he obeyed God and prophesied to him.

As a leader, I need to promote every individual to surpass their natural abilities and communicate that God will never give them a dream they are capable of achieving by themselves.

This is my hearts desire; I want to give every bit of knowledge, support, time, and resources I can so I can see a child, a young person, an adult, or an elder succeed. I don’t want to be like Jesse, Saul, or Michael who discourage or try to kill someone’s anointing and talent. I want people to know that they have a purpose and a ministry to fulfill in God.


Angela Overton is a lover of words, nature, and coffee. She is an ordained minister with the UPCI, has a Masters Degree in Theology, and loves to teach Bible studies. She and her amazing husband, Michael, pastor in Silver Spring, Maryland.


  1. As our “Churchgrandma” it is so important to encourage, support and promote our youth and young marrieds to be in the right position. As a “sage” we can train them up to take over so that the church continues to grow and function for Christs return.

    • Amen, every church needs a “church grandma” and I am so thankful your church has you to invest in young people. I agree, they are our future, so we need to encourage them to pursue the things of God. Thank you for your comment, sis. Many blessings to you.

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