


Not being prepared to stay overnight I did not have my own Bible with me, so I picked up the Gideon Bible that was in the drawer of my son’s room at Carolina Hospital. Engraved on the front cover was “Thinking of you – The Gideons.” God gave His Word with us in mind. He inspired holy men of old to write. How do I know it’s inspired? As one great Bible teacher said, “Because it inspires me!”

2 Timothy 3:16 reads,

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction in righteousness” (King James Version of the Holy Bible).

Prayer: Today I want to thank You especially, Lord, for Your Word. When I struggle with decisions I must make, I can read Your Word and find the answer. Time spent in Your Word is profitable and uplifting.

Devotion by Kaye Singleton

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I helped a blind lady each week for several years and was amazed how she got around in her home. She lived alone and knew how many steps from her bedroom to any room in her home. She had calculated her steps. When in unknown territory whoever was walking beside her would instruct her on steps and whether they are higher than normal or how the doors open. She relied on that person heavily to get where she was going.

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.” (Ephesians 5:15 in the King James Version of the Holy Bible).

I looked up the word circumspect and found that it meant to look about; careful to consider all related circumstances before acting, judging, deciding; cautious; careful.

Prayer: Lord, I realize more than ever that I need You leading me. As the songwriter put it, “I can’t even walk without You holding my hand.” I want to be wise and calculate my steps.

Devotion by Kaye Singleton

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The Book of Esther describes an environment that was increasingly hostile toward the Jews. Mordecai and Esther were minority Jews living in the Persian Empire. At that time the population was comprised of 250-350 million Arabs and 18 million Jews. The clock was ticking rapidly toward their annihilation. If the Jewish inhabitants were to be spared, Mordecai knew a decision had to be made right away. It was obvious to Mordecai that Esther had to be reminded of her heritage. Esther had made Mordecai proud but now her loyalty to the people of God would be tested. After prayer and fasting she approached the king with her request and miraculously her people were spared. This decision affected not only her but also her family for generations to come. Esther 9:31 records the long-term impact of this decision, “To confirm these days of Purim in their times appointed, according to Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their seed, the matters of the fastings and their cry” (King James Version of the Holy Bible).

Prayer: Lord, help me to make the right decisions today. My family is at stake. The climate in my world is hostile and the enemy is seeking to destroy me and the generation that follows me. Keep me true, Lord Jesus, keep me true!

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