He made us, and we are his.
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.Psalm 100:3, Holy Bible, New Living Translation
I watched a shepherd relocate his large flock from a depleted pasture to a more nourishing grazing area. The sheep were not distracted by the line of impatient drivers as they crossed the paved road toward greener pastures. They recognized him as their master and followed through unfamiliar territory without fear.
The Lord cares for us as a tender shepherd. When we recognize His sovereignty―that He is the God who created us―then we, like those sheep, will understand that traveling through unfamiliar territory and rough terrain may be His way to guide us on an uncertain journey.
Prayer: Lord, when I struggle on the rocky trails of the unexpected, I will trust You, my shepherd, to bring me to a place of quiet rest. Amen.
Devotion by Violet Carr Moore
Adapted from Moments of Meditation by Violet Carr Moore, copyright 2007.