“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it,” (Matthew 13:45-46 from the Holy Bible New King James). This parable is a reminder that natural pearls were valued beyond other treasures in ancient times. Formed by irritations caused by foreign particles, wild mollusks or oysters produced rare natural gems with incomparable beauty. Mass produced cultured pearls from controlled environments are common look-alikes, often the same size, shape and color of lesser value. Christians cultivated in a sheltered atmosphere without life’s intrusions are like cultured pearls. They can’t match the beauty and strength of those who conquered circumstances and became priceless treasures.
Prayer: Eternal God, give me strength to weather the storms in my life so I will shine with Your natural glow. Amen.