“The angel of God that had been leading the camp of Israel now shifted and got behind them. And the Pillar of Cloud that had been in front also shifted to the rear. The Cloud was now between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel. The Cloud enshrouded…
“The Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground with the waters a wall to the right and to the left. The Egyptians came after them in full pursuit, every horse and chariot and driver of Pharaoh racing into the middle of the sea. It was now the morning watch. God…
“And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, that is at the gate! And the three brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and…
“And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink.” Genesis 21:19. This week our subject will be: “Encounters at the Well.” There are many stories in the Bible that centre around a well.…
“The oppressed and the poor look for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched from thirst. I, the LORD, will respond to their prayers; I, the God of Israel, will not abandon them. I will make streams flow down the slopes and produce springs in the middle of…
“O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water” (Psalm 63:1, NKJV). Everywhere I go, I see people carrying a bottle of water with them. It’s not…
“And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.” Genesis 1:7-8
Imagine a world without water. The entire planet would be a desert, plants would be shriveled and brown and life would slow down to a crawl. The second day of creation gave us a precious resource.
The same is true spiritually. Without living water, souls become parched, hope dries up, and motivation virtually disappears. Life becomes a mere existence with no promise of change.
But when we allow God to flood our spirits with the water of His Holy Spirit, everything is refreshed. Hope is rejuvenated and life becomes worth living again. Just as we need a steady supply of water to survive physically, we need to soak in God’s presence on a daily basis.
Prayer: Lord, let me drink daily from the fountain of living water. And pour the water of Your Spirit over me, in me and through me.
Devotion by Liane Grant
When Mary, the mother of Jesus, told Him the host at the marriage feast in Cana had run out of wine, Jesus said, “…that’s not our problem” (John 2:4,Holy Bible, New Living Translation). Mary brushed His comment aside and told the servants to follow His instructions, no matter what He told them to do. Later, when the timing was right, Jesus said “fill the jars with water”. Then He told the servants to dip a sample and take it to the master of the feast.
“A host always serves the best wine first,” he [the host] said. “Then, when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings out the less expensive wine. But you have kept the best until now!” (Verse 10)
Jesus is never early. Never late. His timing is perfect.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for this example of perfect timing to produce a miracle. Amen.
Devotion by Violet Carr Moore
“He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters,” (Psalm 23:2, Holy Bible, New King James).
Cascading waterfalls are exciting for spectators. White water rapids are stimulating. Both are a challenge to navigate for even the most skillful rafters. A calm lake, still waters, offers a respite to all and brings peace of mind to the weary.
Prayer: Eternal God, thank You for still waters that soothe my soul in troubled times .Amen.
Devotion by Violet Carr Moore