“Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.” Hebrews 11:11-12
I envision Sarah going about her morning chores with a happy heart. God had blessed her with a wonderful husband, and she looked forward to the day when a child would join their family. She enjoyed fixing meals and making the home a pleasant place for Abraham to return to when his day’s work was done.
Suddenly, her peace was shattered as Abraham came through the door all excited. He told her that the Lord had appeared to him and given him some wonderful promises. He told her to pack up her possessions because they were going on a journey. As she questioned him about where they were going, he told her he did not know, but God would lead them and show them.
The Bible does not tell us exactly how Sarah responded to this strange request. We do know that she was obedient to her husband and trusted him to know what he was doing. No doubt she had misgivings. We must remember that they did not have the conveniences of travel that we know today, so it was no small task to set out on a journey like this with no absolute destination in sight.
There were many twists and turns to Sarah’s story, and I am sure that over the next years her mind was filled with questions as to why God was leading them the way He was. As the years passed by God kept renewing His promise to Abraham, and finally, when it looked like all hope was gone, Isaac was born.
It was a strange request for God to ask Abraham and Sarah to leave behind all they knew and set out on an unknown journey. But God had a plan for their lives that was greater than anything they could imagine. Sarah desired to have a baby, but God was planning for a great nation that would bless the entire world.
Just as the Lord had a perfect plan for Sarah, so He has a plan and a purpose for our lives. Our responsibility is to let His Holy Spirit guide us each day. We can rest assured that He will always give us the strength and ability to do whatever He asks of us. Even though sometimes it may seem like a strange request, if we will obey, and take the step of faith, we can trust Him to work all things for our good.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for the way you led Sarah and for her example of faith. Help us to be willing to walk in the way you lead, no matter how strange it may seem.
Devotion by Anne Johnston
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