In this week’s news, billionaire Robert F. Smith pledged to pay all student loan debt of the 2019 Graduating Class of Morehouse College. The lump sum of payment is estimated to be approximately 40 million dollars and according to The Wall Street Journal, “That donation covers the student loans for about 400 graduates.”[1]
As I read through the reaction of some of the recipients, I began to cry because I was so happy for their blessing. They responded, “It’s a liberation gift.” “I’m still in disbelief.” Mr. Smith told one of the students, “Go out into the world and do things. Don’t worry about your debt’s.”[2]
“Don’t worry about your debt’s.” What an incredible statement.
The Debt of Sin
I’m going to assume that most people reading this right now has some form of financial debt. I am not discounting this incredible blessing of Mr. Smith, but when you think of what Jesus did for us on Calvary, it surpasses any and all other gifts. Nothing compares to what our Savior did for us.
The weight of debt is paralyzing. However, the weight of sin is deadly.
This article led me into a quandary of questions. “Which would I be more excited about right now? Someone paying my debt –or– Jesus forgiving my sins?” If I’m completely honest, my husband and I have been on a walk by faith journey for over a year, and my constant prayer is for God to be our provider, and I thought, “I would be SO HAPPY for financial freedom.” But, I had to bring myself to an altar this morning and remind myself that nothing—NOTHING—is more important than my salvation. Nothing is more exhilarating that Jesus paying the debt of sin. Would I be happy if someone paid my debt? Yes, over the moon happy! However, I never want to be more happy about momentary blessings than eternal salvation.
Colossians 2:13–14 explains what Jesus did for us, “And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.”
Jesus paid more than 40 million dollars, He paid for our debts with His life. And, He paid the debt for more than 400 people, He paid the debt of all humanity.
Never Forget
I can never forget what He did for me.
I never want to lose my deep sense of awe and gratitude of salvation, and I never want to forget the moment when I felt the weight of sin lift off me as I was baptized in Jesus name. More than anything in this world, Lord, I desire You.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for your eternal blessings. Yes, Your word states that You are my provider, but more than blessing me financially, You will pay my debt of sin. I pray that you will bless Mr. Smith and his family, and I pray that You will bless every reader of More To Life Today, because You know their needs and You hear every prayer. We trust You, Lord, and we are so grateful for Your everlasting life.
[1] Cameron McWhirter and Jake Holland, For Morehouse Class of 2019, Billionaire to Pay Off Graduate’s Debt, The Wall Street Journal, Monday, May 20, 2019—Vol. CCLXXIII NO. 117, A3.
[2] McWhirter and Holland, Billionaire to Pay Off Graduate’s Debt, A3.
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