“Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? Job 1:10-11

More than ever before it is vital to have a hedge of protection around our family. The enemy of our souls wants to destroy the family structure and bring havoc in your home. You and I have a responsibility to keep our loved ones safe, protected, and away from danger.

Close To The Mountain

When my dad would preach, he would sometimes tell a story about an Amish farmer. This man lived at the top of a very steep and ridged mountain and he needed someone very skilled to drive his family because he knew with one wrong move, they would go over the side of the road and fall hundreds of feet to his family’s demise. So, he put an advertisement in town to hire a buggy driver for his family. There were about 15 young men who showed up for an interview. The Amish father said, “I want to see who is the best driver out of all of you. Show me who can get as close to the edge of the road as possible. Demonstrate your skillful driving ability.”

It seemed like each young man competed with one another. When one got 5 inches away from the edge of the road, the next one would get 4 inches away. It wasn’t until one got so close that a wheel skirted off the edge just a little bit, but he course-corrected and brought the buggy back to safety without breaking a sweat. EVERYONE CLAPPED AND SCREAMED WITH EXCITEMENT AT THE SKILL IT TOOK TO GET THAT CLOSE.” The father just nodded his head up and down.

The next young man got in the buggy and drew a deep breath. Everyone was expecting him to out perform the previous man. If they were sitting down, everyone would be on the edge of their seats.

He started riding the buggy, but instead of getting as close to the road’s edge, he got as close to the mountain as possible. That buggy was hugging the safety of the mountain. There were no cheers and no one seemed to be too impressed by his skill, except the father.

That father wanted his children as far away from danger as possible. He was looking for someone to care for his family and keep them safe.

We Have A Responsibility

We are the buggy driver today. Regardless if you are a mother or not, regardless if your kids are little or grown—we all have family and friends to take care of. The best way to keep our loved ones safe is to stay as far away from danger as possible. We have a responsibility to our loved ones to live an overcoming life by living in the safety of the word of God. We have a responsibility to our family to stand for truth and to lead our home. And, we have a responsibility to our friends to pull them out of the fire of hell and to stand in the gap for their souls. Let us pray a hedge of protection around our loved ones today, in Jesus’ name.


Angela Overton is a lover of words, nature, and coffee. She is an ordained minister with the UPCI, has a Masters Degree in Theology, and loves to teach Bible studies. She and her amazing husband, Michael, pastor in Silver Spring, Maryland.

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