“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Most of us probably memorized this verse as a small child in Sunday School. We sang the song “Jesus Loves Me” even before we could understand what it really meant. We listened to the Bible stories of men and women who trusted God and did great things for Him. We listened to testimonies of older people of what Jesus had done for them. But at that point, they were still just stories.
But then one day, we realized a simple truth: Jesus loves me. It may have been at a different age for each one of us, but suddenly it became real to us. We might never be a David, or a Mary, but Jesus loves me, just as I am, a sinner in need of a Saviour. We might never have a great story to tell of deliverance from some great sin, or healing from a terrible disease. We might never become a missionary or a great preacher and win countless souls to the Lord. But Jesus loves me, just as I am. He loved me so much that He gave His life for me that I might know Him and be able to spend eternity with Him.
It may be a simple truth, but it is the greatest truth we shall ever know. Jesus loves me! And because He loves me, I want to love Him with all my heart and soul.
Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, that you loved me so much you gave your life for me. Help me to love you and show forth your love to others.
Devotion by Anne Johnston
I like this post, enjoyed this one best regards for posting.
Thank you, took me awhile to find this one as it is over a year old.