As I write this today, I had an entirely different devotion on prayer lined out. But in the last few weeks, I have had a burden to amp up my prayers for all our children; and I have been much more specific in my prayers.
Psalm 128:1-4 says, “Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, who walks in his ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord” (NKJV).
When I thought upon this passage, the phrase “your children like olive plants all around your table” leaped out at me. I love when our children are with us, and we are able to be all around a table, but that does not happen often. Our children live in different locations, and it is difficult to get together throughout the year other than Christmas or Thanksgiving. But I pray for them each day, and I am specific in my prayers.
When I pray, I visualize them all around the table with me. I visualize Jesus putting His arms around them wherever they are. We must be specific, ladies, with our prayers. Reach out with faith and visualize that prayer being answered.
Recently, I was praying for our children and asking the Lord to give one particular daughter a special anointing as she ministered at a conference. I asked the Lord to give her a special anointing and a personalized word to her while she was away from her family. I asked God to specifically be personal with her.
We do not order God around, but when we sincerely ask Him things with a heavy heart, He does answer in His own time! We tend to get impatient when it comes to things we think need to be done right now. I had specifically asked Him to touch her and to give her a word or a confirmation that He saw His daughter, where she was, and what she was going through.
We say prayers and are specific — determined for Him to answer. And then we forget. Life takes over, and we tend to go our way nonstop. Well, I continued on my way. When I talked with my daughter after the conference, she told me about an experience she had while at the conference. The Lord brought someone directly to her and gave her a word. It was a word the lady would not have known anything about.
When she told me, I started weeping because I knew God had answered my prayer and given her confirmation. He did exactly what I had petitioned to Him. Ladies, He is a gracious and merciful God. He sees all things and knows the desires of our hearts for our children.
Whether your children are young at home, or adults working for God, or adults who have fallen away from God, it matters not to Him. They are still His children. When you go to the throne and specifically ask for things concerning your children, know that He sees your heart and your desires. He knows, even more than we do, where they are, what they need, and when they need it.
He is a loving Father who loves our children even more than we do!
As we see God touching the children these days,let us thank God first of all we are here to witness it,and continue to lead them in Godly things,ladies continue to cry out for them.
I try to remember that my children were God’s before I was blessed with them. He loves them even more than I do.
I appreciate your words.
Sometimes things happen in our lives that cause our relationships with our children to become estranged. I am praying very specific prayers for my children.