Inspirational speaker Jan Silvious once said “I like to define forgiveness as ‘giving up the right to punish the one who has hurt you.’ That’s what Jesus did on the cross.”
Jesus was beaten, humiliated and ultimately murdered on the cross. READ Luke 23:34 from the Holy Bible, New King James Version: “Then Jesus said, ‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ He forgave them and prayed for them even while they were still hurting Him!
Perhaps you’ve been hurt by someone. Jesus understands your pain. He wants to help you to forgive them.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Help me forgive those who have mistreated me. Heal the wounds they inflicted on my spirit. Protect me. Provide me courage to pray for them. I know they also are your child. Let me see them as You see them. Grant me compassion and discernment in dealing with them. Amen.
Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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