“I believe in you” are four powerful words.

I am who I am because someone believed in me. When I attended Bible College, I realized I was different when I compared myself to others. I was different—I had no apparent giftings because I was too nervous to sing, play piano, teach, preach, or even read a scripture in front of people. Fear paralyzed me from pressing beyond my insecurities. In the midst of the incredible talent of others, their beauty, and charmed heritages I felt like I had nothing to offer God—other than my love.

The Power of Believing

One of my teachers at Bible College, Sister Ann, saw something in me before I saw anything in myself and she believed in me before anyone else did. Sister Ann created opportunities for me to minister in a safe environment where I could either fail or succeed without the pressure of a penalty or a reward. I was oblivious to the fact she was discipling me because she operated with love and faith, while demonstrating genuine care for my future ministry.

I do not know who I would be without Sis. Ann’s encouragement in my life. She has passed on from this world, but I have picked up her mantle and I strive to believe in people. I have committed my life to invest in other people’s talents and strive to recognize a man or woman’s call before they have fruit of a gifting.

Who has believed in you? Where would you be without their support? Reach out to them today and thank them for their encouragement and then strive to be a word of encouragement in someone’s life.

Prayer: Lord, I pray that you would help me invest into other peoples’ lives and ministry. Let me be an individual who builds people up and not one who tears a person down with destructive words. Thank you for never giving up on me, even when I have failed you—and, help me to not give up on others.


Angela Overton is a lover of words, nature, and coffee. She is an ordained minister with the UPCI, has a Masters Degree in Theology, and loves to teach Bible studies. She and her amazing husband, Michael, pastor in Silver Spring, Maryland.


  1. I am forever grateful for people like this, people who express their beliefs in others and lift them up. I will forever remember the opportunity I was given to speak to several churches on my first AIM trip. The missionaries wife always said these words to me, “I believe in you”. They meant so much to me and encouraged me to see what God sees in me. God got the Glory!

  2. Thank you for this. I am an introvert and I often struggle with fear, particularly fear of people. However, your words about reaching out to others and offering encouragement resonated with me. I want to be more attuned to people’s pain and sadness, to offer them the love and compassion of Jesus, and to help lift them up or simply to listen and be a friend.