“And he must needs go through Samaria.” John 4:4

Shunned by the other women in the town, a lone woman made her way to Jacob’s well at noon time to draw water for her household. Broken and bruised by all that she had endured in her life, her only desire was to get her water and get back to her home without meeting anyone else. She drew back in fear as she saw a man sitting quietly by the well, and almost turned away. But he spoke to her and asked her for a drink.

You see, Jesus seeks for the broken. This day He had decided that He must go through Samaria, rather than take the roundabout way that most others did. He sent His disciples into the city to find food, thus clearing the way for a private conversation with a needy heart. It’s a familiar story, He asked her for a drink and when she questioned why He would even speak to her, He told her about the living water which would cause her to never thirst again. As she questioned Him, He revealed Himself as the Messiah, the promised One that both Jews and Samaritans waited for.

As the conversation progressed, her heart was opened. With joy, she left her waterpot behind, joyfully ran into the city telling everyone that she had met the Messiah and that He was waiting at the well. She left the bringing of water to her home to bring men to Jesus. The people invited Jesus to spend time with them and teach them.

Instead of a flawed, broken woman, she became a messenger of the good news. A woman of ill repute, who had been scorned and rejected, became the first evangelist to Samaria. Why? Because Jesus values broken people, sees the potential, and makes something beautiful of their lives.

Are there any wounded, broken places in your life today? Jesus specializes in restoring broken vessels and making them useful for His kingdom.

Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for the confidence that we have to bring all our broken pieces to you, knowing that you can create something good from them.

Devotion by: Anne Johnston


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