“And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.” Mark 6:31.
We are now into our second month of isolation. When it first started, we had no idea it would last this long. Everything has changed, and we cannot meet in church with our brothers and sisters. Perhaps the Lord knew we all had some lessons to learn, that could better be taught while we were alone. He has allowed us time to read His Word and let it speak to our hearts in a new way. It may seem like a lonely desert place at times, but it is a time of rest as well.
While seeking he Lord for direction for my writing for this week, I felt strongly impressed to write about some of the lessons the Lord might be wanting to teach us during this isolation. In Mark 6:31, Jesus and His disciples had been ministering to the crowds and were getting tired, so He called them to set themselves away for a period in order to regroup. Time spent alone would better fit them for their ministry.
Bible reading this month has included the Book of Judges. I was reading the Song of Deborah in Judges 5, and the last part of verse 14 jumped out at me. “out of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer.” I realized anew the responsibility that rests upon those of us who write these devotionals every month. Our words cannot just be empty thoughts but must send out a message of hope and encouragement to everyone who reads them. We do not write just for something to do, we believe it is a ministry that the Lord has entrusted to us, and we must give it everything we have. Hopefully, the lessons the Lord has been teaching me, will be a blessing to you this week.
Pastors and church leaders have had to learn a lot of new things the past few weeks. Because we cannot meet in the church buildings, they are using technology to send the message of salvation around the world. I believe that the Lord is doing great things through their ministry, and that many souls will come to know the Lord, and all who listen to them will be strengthened and uplifted. We need to listen to their messages, pray for them, and support them during this time.
In the next few days, with the help of the Lord, I would like to share with you some of the lessons I am learning, and pray that I can encourage you to seek the Lord and let Him teach you what He wants you to learn.
Prayer: Thank you Jesus, that you are the Master Teacher, and there are so many things you would like to teach us. Help us to take this time of isolation from friends and family, to learn more of you, so that we can be a greater blessing to others.
Devotion by Anne Johnston
Such an encouraging thought. I’ll share this with my other sisters who are needing an answer to their “why’s”. Thank you.
Thank you, I am so glad it was an encouragement to you.