praying woman“This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. “Psalm 118:24

The other day I saw this little saying: “You will never have this day again, so make it count.”

Do you ever come to the end of your day, and realize that you did not accomplish everything you wanted? Maybe you had a to-do list, and there just weren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you had on it. Maybe you started something and were interrupted by a phone call or a visit from a friend. You look back and realize that you wasted some minutes doing things that were not necessary. I realize that taking time for rest, relaxing, and doing some things you enjoy are important items on our list, and are not wasting time.

Those days come to all of us, I am sure. No matter the tasks that we should perform, the most important thing is that we spend some part of our day with the Lord. Daily prayer and Bible reading is important if we are going to make our day count. The other things on our list will still be awaiting us tomorrow, but if we miss a day of communicating with the Lord, we cannot regain that time.

I live alone, so can mostly decide how I am going to spend my time. I have found that taking time for the Lord first thing in the morning before I do anything else, makes my whole day go better. All through the day, there is a sense of His presence and I can talk to Him about the things I am doing, and ask for His guidance in even the little things.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this day that you have given us, help us to make it count for you.
Devotion by Anne Johnston


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