“And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray.” (Mark 6:46, ESV)
I was visiting an older friend recently when she explained that she didn’t know what to do. She could no longer get on her knees to pray, and this really bothered her. I reassured her as best I could and offered her encouragement on ways to adapt to praying in a chair. I am sure she knows as well as I do that God hears our prayers whether we are kneeling, sitting, standing, or walking. But this had been her way of praying for many years, so it felt wrong to her to not pray on her knees.
As we read the Gospels, it becomes very evident that Jesus spent long periods of time alone in prayer. Early morning or late in the evening, we find Him slipping away to a quiet place to pray. Luke 5:16 tells us, “And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed.” Jesus removed Himself from the press of the crowds, and even His disciples, to strengthen Himself and intercede through prayer.
Time alone with God is such a personal thing. In yesterday’s devotion we talked about making time for Him in our daily schedule. Today let’s think about how to prepare ourselves for those precious appointments with Him. Like my sweet friend, you will develop your own habits for these times of communion with the Almighty. If you are new in your walk with the Lord or if you have allowed the busyness of daily life to intrude upon those quiet times with the Lord, these thoughts might help you.
Find a place. Do you have a special place to meet God—somewhere away from noise and interruptions? Matthew 6:6 (ESV) tells us, “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” It can be a literal door in your home, sitting inside your car while parked in a quiet spot, or another place where no one will interrupt.
Find a time. For many, this is first thing in the morning before the household stirs. Whatever time is best for you, be intentional. If we just “fit God in” whenever we have a few free minutes, we are giving Him our leftovers. And sometimes there just are no leftovers. The day ends without any quality time spent with Him. We have not made Him a priority.
Prepare yourself. Quieten your spirit and leave the distractions on the other side of that closed door. You don’t need the ding of a cellphone message or fretting over your list of errands to distract you. You will want your Bible, your personal or church prayer list, and a pen and paper to write down anything God tells you while you read and pray.
Be willing. As you shut the door and prepare to enjoy your appointment with God, enter with a willing spirit—willing to give Him your undivided attention, willing to worship, willing to listen to what He says, and willing to obey.
God is waiting—just inside the door. Join Him there and be refreshed in your soul!
“Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!” (Psalm 141:2, ESV)
Suggestion: Do you enjoy reading devotional books (or this daily devotion) but would like to discuss some of the insights you are gaining with a friend? Why not find a “study buddy”—a friend, coworker, or neighbor—who would enjoy reading the same devotional. Then by email, phone, or perhaps occasionally over lunch you can share your thoughts with each other. Both of you will benefit and enjoy studying God’s Word together.
1 Comment
Thank you for sharing this message. I can totally relate to the sister who cannot pray on her knees. I am now in the same situation. Learning to pray sitting down is new to me. I know that position in prayer doesn’t matter. Just making time for prayer is so important. Timely devotion! The Lord bless you.