The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1, Holy Bible, King James Version)
The twenty-third psalm is familiar to most of us. I memorized this full psalm at a young age. Over the years I’ve mellowed it from a clipped childhood cadence to a soothing recitation. I still delight in the scene it evokes when speaking it aloud. I meditate on this opening sentence when money is low or uncertainty overshadows my life. I cling to this verse as a promise that my needs will be provided.
Am I missing the Palmist’s focus? He opens with the phrase, “The LORD is my shepherd.” He focuses on why God provides. The Lord cares for His sheep who acknowledge Him.
Prayer: Lord, my prayers are often “give me.” Today, I ask for nothing. I offer thanks that I am one of Your sheep. Amen.
Devotion by Violet Carr Moore
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