“Your enemy is coming to crush you, Nineveh. Man the ramparts! Watch the roads! Prepare your defences! Call out your forces!” Nahum 2:1 NLT
In Jonah’s time, Nineveh had repented; but a century later their return to sin and rebellion brought God’s wrath. Nahum teaches us that although God is merciful, He will judge sin. Those who trust God know His justice is unerring. We should take courage today; and remember that, in every situation, God is truly in control. In this second chapter, Nahum is warning them that the enemy is coming to destroy them and gives them instructions as to what they should do.
After what we have all experienced the last few months, I am sure the enemy would like to make us get discouraged and let down our guard. Jesus is coming soon, and Satan knows that his time is short. We must all stand strong and fight the good fight of faith. How can we do this?
• Man the Fort. I have read a lot of books about the early pioneers and how they would gather in a fort, when the enemy would attack them. Each one had their job to do, some were at the walls, others were loading their rifles, etc. We all have our place in the work of the Lord, and each one of us has a part to play. Let us be dependable, doing what we do with all our might. Make sure the walls of protection are strong.
• Watch the Road. Be on the lookout, danger can come from any direction so we must constantly be on our guard, The enemy will usually attack from our weakest point, so it is important to keep in prayer and communion with the Lord. We need to spend time in His Word, hiding it deep in our hearts.
• Strengthen your flanks. We are all in this together. It is important for us to pray for our pastors and leaders and for our fellow-believers. As we pray for one another, we grow stronger.
• Fortify your power mightily. In Ephesians 6, we are admonished to put on the whole armour of God, to have power to stand against the enemy. The Lord can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could even ask or thing, according to the power that worketh in us. His Holy Spirit strengthen and encourages us and gives us the victory.
In Nahum 1:7, we read “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.” As we each find our place in His kingdom, put our whole heart into it, bind together in love and unity, we will see the enemy defeated.
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for the armour that you have provided for us, so that we can fight against the enemy. Strengthen us and give us the power that we need to stand strong for you.
Devotion by Anne Johnston
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