image“The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.” Psalm 16:6

Many people work hard all their lives to leave their children with a large inheritance.  My parents did not have a lot to leave us as far as material goods were concerned.

But I am thankful for the spiritual heritage I received.  I am thankful that my parents surrendered their lives to the Lord when I was just a child, and that I was taken to church and encouraged to pray and seek God.  I am thankful that there was prayer and Bible reading in our home.  I am thankful for the many messages I was privileged to hear.

That spiritual heritage means more to me than any amount of money or possessions.

Prayer:  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the heritage you have given me, and the desire to pass it on to my family.

Devotion by Anne Johnston


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