“No, for all the nations of the world are but a drop in the bucket. They are nothing more than dust on the scales. He picks up the whole earth as though it were a grain of sand.”
Isaiah 40:15
My family loves going to the beach, it’s one of our favorite summer activities. We don’t go to swim necessarily, we enjoy just sitting in the sand. My oldest daughter loves to build sandcastles and dig trenches, while my youngest collects seashells and eats snacks.
Even now, in the dead of a Canadian winter, I can almost feel the warmth of the sand. I feel it between my fingers as I let it fall back to the earth. I can see how tiny one grain is, and imagine God similarly holding the earth.
How big and great our God is, that He can hold the world as though it were a grain of sand. This shouldn’t make us feel small and insignificant, but rather cherished and protected by a mighty and strong God.
We should never feel that our problems are too small for God to care about. Yes, he’s a big God – but he loves us and cares about our troubles. We are free to bring our needs to Him, and we can trust that He has heard us and has started working on our requests.
You can rest easy today knowing that the God you serve is all powerful, all knowing and absolutely loves you. He has the whole world in His hands!