“And Jesus said to the woman, Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
Luke 7:50
Desperation. Anguish. Shame.
Have you ever felt one of these? Perhaps you have experienced all three like I have. You see, I wasn’t raised in this Apostolic truth. Sure, I was made to go to Sunday School from time to time with my Grandparents, but it wasn’t consistent and it wasn’t because I wanted to.
I eventually strayed from what I knew to be right and took my own path, one that would lead to depression, self-harm and misery. I felt worthless and completely unlovable, so I imagine Mary felt similar in the moments leading up to her encounter with Jesus Christ.
She had one task, one motive, and that was to change the course of her life. She took an enormous leap of faith and Jesus, filled with compassion tells her that her faith has saved her. Every trial, every tear that she ever shed and every hurtful name thrown her way, all faded into the background in that moment as her sins were forgiven and she was given new life.
Have you ever experienced forgiveness of sins and new life? If not, there may come a time when you are facing a terrible tragedy and all that can save you is your Faith. Faith that God is still on His throne. Faith that He is a Sovereign, Holy, in-control God who will work it out for you.
Prayer: Lord, I ask that you would help me to see you at work in my life today. I know you are in control, and I have absolute faith that my mourning will turn to joy, and you will give me beauty for ashes. Thank you for being my Provider and the one who sustains me.
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