After yesterday’s post about Gomer, I really felt to repost a devotion I wrote a few years ago about shame. Shame is such a debilitating feeling, and it makes you want to hide from the people you love and from the love of God.

The First Account Of Shame

After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they hid from the presence of God. They also tried to hide their shame by covering their nakedness with leaves. God knew where they were in the garden, but He is a gentleman and desires for us to come to Him when we are burdened down, feel shame, and have sinned. 

God is calling out to Adam, “Where are you?” 

Adam and his wife were hiding, not because they didn’t want to be with the Lord, but because they felt the shame of their mistake. Adam cried out, “I hid myself because I was naked.”

Genesis 3:11 says, “Who told you that you were naked?” 

Shame has a voice

Shame is the voice of the enemy that says, “you are not good enough.” Shame is the voice that says, “run from God, you have too many problems.” Shame says, “You’ve sinned too much, hide from the presence of God.” Shame says, ‘Don’t tell anyone your struggles because they will judge you.” 

Shame is not an emotion that a child of God should ever feel. Guilt happens when you are ashamed of who you’ve done. Maybe you have made a mistake, but shame will say, “You are a mistake,” which is a lie. You are not a mistake; you are a child of God. 

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” Romans 8:1

When we begin to listen to the lies of the enemy then we will fall into condemnation, which is not God’s will for His children. Jesus has already defeated your foe and desires to deliver you from ALL condemnation

When you believe your feelings more than the word of God, then that is a clear sign you are not living the overcoming life God has designed for you. We cannot live by feelings, your feelings will lie to you. We need to live by God’s word. His word says if you have asked for forgiveness, you are forgiven and your sin is under the blood of Jesus. His word says that He will not remind you of your past. Only the enemy of your soul will operate in your past—God is more concerned with your present and your future. 

Silence the voice of shame today and speak the truth of God over your life. Memorize Romans 8:1 and quote it every time Satan harasses you with his fallacies. You have the power to silence him today. Pray the word of God out loud, for it will speak life. Let the voice of truth encourage you today (2 Corinthians 6:7). 


Angela Overton is a lover of words, nature, and coffee. She is an ordained minister with the UPCI, has a Masters Degree in Theology, and loves to teach Bible studies. She and her amazing husband, Michael, pastor in Silver Spring, Maryland.

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