
Bonnie Peacock


Who is God? Where is He? Is He some austere, unapproachable deity that cannot be touched? What is He like? What does He do? We have all asked questions about God, at one time or another. We need Him but are in awe of Him too.
God is not playing “hide and seek” with us. Neither is he like the little ponies on a merry-go-round, one chasing the other but never catching him. He is not watching us, waiting for us to mess up so He can pronounce judgment.
The Scriptures tell us that “God is love” (1 John 4:16). Where true love exists there is safety, trust, and peace. Isn’t that what we are all looking for?

Prayer: Dear Lord, You said that you are “not far” from any of us (Acts 17:27). Thank You for that reassurance. The fact that You are approachable means everything.

Devotion by Bonnie Peacock

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I watch the fuel gage on my car. As it descends toward the big “E,” I begin looking for a gas station. I am aware that if I allow my fuel to run out that my means of transportation will come to a halt.

Occasionally, I allow my car to “run on fumes,” but not for long. I have found that my car is not the only “fuel gage” that I need to monitor. I have one too. When my energy and strength begin to plummet towards that empty mark, I need to refuel. Running on fumes emotionally is unwise.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I need daily doses of Your presence. Without You continually refilling me with Your strength, I cannot make it. You lift me. You help me. You sustain me (Psalm 28:7-9).

Devotion by Bonnie Peacock

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At times, obeying the Scriptures seems difficult. God asks us to love everyone when obviously some people are undeserving. He expects us to pursue peace when a good fight would be our natural inclination. It would be enjoyable to erupt in anger and retort in sarcasm occasionally, wouldn’t it?

Throughout the Bible, God asked men and women to do things that they too thought were hard. In Judges 6:16, God reassured a reluctant man named Gideon, “I will be with thee.”

Prayer: Dear God, help us to understand that Your commandments are not too difficult for us. (See 1 John 5:3.) When we comply with Your will for our lives, we do not live life on our own. Thank You for the power that You give us each day. We can do all things with Your help. You are our strength. (See Philippians 4:13.)

Devotion by Bonnie Peacock

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“Trust me,” my husband likes to tease.

But trust is not something that comes easy for me. Fearful and anxious, I am reluctant to try many things. Too often people have let me down, and I hesitate, leery of giving them another opportunity to hurt me.

Life is full of pain and disappointments. Who is safe? Is there anyone that I can trust? Do they mean what they say or is there a hidden agenda? Am I being manipulated?

The Word of God declares, “God is faithful” (1 Corinthians 10:13). That means that He is trustworthy, true, loyal, constant, staunch, steadfast, devoted, and true-blue!

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness. You are a rock in the middle of the uncertainties in my life. I am so thankful.

Devotion by Bonnie Peacock

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Gravity is not influenced by popular opinion. It just exists. Our preference has no effect on its properties. Many other principles in life hold true whether we like them or not. If we plant watermelon seeds we will not harvest corn or tomatoes. How we live our lives today determines to a great extent the quality of life we experience tomorrow. The Bible declares, “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).

Often that statement has ominous connotations, but the opposite is true too. If we sow love, peace, kindness, and gentleness into those around us, we will receive a beautiful crop in return.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help is to be aware of what we are planting each day. Give us the grace and strength we need to consistently sow the right things.

Devotion by Bonnie Peacock

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“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

Someone said that impatience is “waiting in a hurry.” I am prone to do a lot of waiting in a hurry. My stress level rises as each delay and obstacle presents itself. Fretful and tense, I struggle through the day.

What a waste! Although it may not be possible to relax amid our stress and chaos, we can rest in God. He has everything under control. What peace can be found when we relinquish our impatience into His Hands.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to remember that nothing is ever out of control when You are in control. We wait upon You today. You are our strength. You are our peace.

Devotion by Bonnie Peacock

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The Bible tells many stories of Jesus and His disciples. One day Jesus instructed, “Let us pass over to the other side” (Mark 4:35). A great storm developed before they reached the far shore. Jesus, tired from His teaching, slept in the back of the ship.

Frantic, the disciples woke Him. “Don’t you even care that we’re about to die?” Jesus arose and said, “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39).

They had forgotten that it was Jesus’ idea to make the journey. The fact that it was His idea implied they would have a safe crossing.

Storms blow into our lives too. Amid the turmoil and confusion we forget that the Word of God told us, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to remember You control our storms. Today we ask You to speak peace to our hearts and minds.

Devotion by Bonnie Peacock

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Some things are beyond my capability. I’ve faced my limitations and handicaps at various times in my life. I can find middle “C” on the piano, but struggle to pick out a tune. I have attempted to learn a foreign language but am unable to put together a simple sentence. I have tried to fix my problems and anticipate the future. These are not my talents either. I’ve eventually concluded that many things are impossible for me. That is not the end of my story, however. The Word of God is reassuring, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God” (Luke 18:27).

Prayer: Dear God, as long as You are in the picture, I need never worry about my limitations. You are capable of fixing my problems, restoring my relationships, and bringing peace in the middle of my chaos. Thank You!

Devotion by Bonnie Peacock

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