


We have frequent afternoon showers in the South that interrupt our schedules. Many times these inconvenient downpours will start as we are heading home from work. There are things in all of our lives that disrupt our plans and often cause us to change our plans. An unexpected illness and loss of a job are a few of the unexpected mud puddles we may encounter. This week I stopped by an herb store. It had rained earlier and as I started to step out of the car I realized there was a huge mud puddle at my door. I ended up moving my car to avoid the mud puddle. But, the Bible reminds us that some “mud puddle interruptions” are welcome disruptions that open doors to miracles. For example, the story of a blind man in the Book of John who received his sight after Jesus spit on the ground and made a mud pack for his eyes. He was told to go to the Pool of Siloam and wash the mud out of his eyes. “When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay” (John 9:7 in the King James Version of the Holy Bible).

Prayer: Even though the unexpected things that come into my life are often like a mud puddle I rather avoid, help me, Lord, to realize both the ground and the rain came from You. You know how to turn the mud puddles I encounter into miracles.

Devotion by Kaye Singleton

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“There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?” John 6:9

In the hands of Jesus a small boy’s lunch fed 5000 people, and they ended up with twelve baskets of leftovers. What a story the young lad must have had to tell when he returned home that day.
Jesus blesses small things. We may think our small donation to the Missionary Fund each month doesn’t accomplish much. But the Lord multiplies it over and over. Did you ever stop to think that every soul that is reached on the mission field is a result of your (and many others) faithful giving? We may never meet those people, but God blesses us for our part in their salvation.
What about our commitments to our local church week after week, month after month? We are making an investment in souls and can feel we have made a way for others to know Jesus Christ.
Giving births miracles. Let’s each do our small part.
Prayer: Jesus, thank you that you have provided us with all that we need and given us the ability to share with others.

Devotion by Anne Johnston

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in-his-presence-praise“Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people!” (Psalm 66:5, Holy Bible, New Living Translation).

Awesome! This overused word is interwoven into conversations to describe anything above average. It’s linked to fashion, talents, gourmet foods, websites, gadgets, and travels. The King James Version translates awesome as “terrible.” Imagine this scene. We’re looking over the splendid Grand Canyon. I wave my arms and shout out “Terrible!” You wouldn’t understand my comment. If I said “awesome” you would know I’m impressed with God’s creation. That’s what the psalmist meant—full of awe, awesome—when he recognized God’s magnificent miracles. Awesome! That word belongs to God.

Prayer : Lord, when I see Your creations and witness miracles You have given to us, they are awesome! Amen.

Devotion by Violet Carr Moore

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When Mary, the mother of Jesus, told Him the host at the marriage feast in Cana had run out of wine, Jesus said, “…that’s not our problem” (John 2:4,Holy Bible, New Living Translation). Mary brushed His comment aside and told the servants to follow His instructions, no matter what He told them to do. Later, when the timing was right, Jesus said “fill the jars with water”. Then He told the servants to dip a sample and take it to the master of the feast.

“A host always serves the best wine first,” he [the host] said. “Then, when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings out the less expensive wine. But you have kept the best until now!” (Verse 10)

Jesus is never early. Never late. His timing is perfect.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for this example of perfect timing to produce a miracle. Amen.

Devotion by Violet Carr Moore

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