“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:” Psalm 139:23

The business world often uses the week between Christmas and New Year’s day as an opportunity to take inventory. Stock on hand is counted and recorded. Reports are compiled to show what sold well the past year and should be re-ordered. Anything broken or unusable is thrown away. Surplus items are marked with a reduced-price tag and put on a sale table. Shelves are reorganized for greater efficiency.

Perhaps this week would be a suitable time for each of us to take a good look at our relationship with the Lord. In the hustle and bustle of life, we may have found things creep into our hearts that are not spiritually profitable.

I am reminded of a song some friends used to sing and so I looked up the lyrics.

“When first I came to Jesus with my load of guilt and sin

I asked him to forgive me, and he freely took me in.

He cleansed my soul from idols and filled my heart with joy

And give me peace and happiness old Satan can’t destroy.

The shelf behind the door, the shelf behind the door.

Tear it down, throw it out, don’t use it anymore.

For Jesus wants his temple clean from ceiling to the floor,

He even wants the corners clean just in behind the door.

Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”

As we let the Lord examine our hearts, there are questions we can ask. Are we carrying old hurts or wounds that are pulling us down and hindering our worship of the Lord? Are we harboring unforgiveness? Are there activities that are filling our time when we should be reading the Bible or praying? Have we neglected to spend time with our family?

Prayer: Jesus we desire for you to search out our hearts today and see if there be any thoughts or attitudes that are not pleasing to you. Cleanse us anew with your precious blood and help us to get rid of the things that hinder our relationship with you.

Devotion by Anne Johnston


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