Jeremiah 31:21 MSG
“Set up signposts to mark your trip home. Get a good map. Study the road conditions. The road out is the road back.”
I’m a big planner, and I like to be prepared for any scenario when we travel. To be honest, we don’t go too far from home because the unexpected can be too daunting. But when we do take a trip I have multiple to-do lists that I start weeks/months before we ever leave.
When you take a trip, not too many plan for the trip home because you just assume it’s the same as the way there. On your travels, you usually take notice of landmarks, signs and rest stops as you follow the map. Perhaps you’re old school and have a good old-fashioned paper map, or maybe you just haul up the map app on your phone and listen to the pleasant voice telling you when to turn right. You pay attention to curves, hills, and potholes as you navigate new roads on your journey.
You’re prepared, and you know the way to go. Doesn’t that sound just like the journey we are all taking called life? We are always faced with new paths to take, and the terrain is usually unfamiliar to us. As we walk this new path by faith, we learn new things, take in current sights and experience unique periods of life.
When we wander and stray from God and our relationship with Him, the road back can be extremely difficult to navigate, and it can appear to be more complex and intimidating than it really is. Mercy and love are always waiting for you, with outstretched, nail-scarred hands. The unconditional love of your Good, Good Father is so near to you and can be felt as soon as you whisper the precious name of Jesus.
The road out is the road back.
Don’t hesitate to call on that name today. You haven’t gone too far, He is awaiting your return.
Prayer: Jesus, I call on Your name today. I am in an unfamiliar land and the way back looks too frightening to conquer. Help me to feel You near to me today, as I come back to You.
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