Jacob said to his father, “I am Esau your firstborn. I have done as you told me. Please sit up and eat some of my game, so that you may give me your blessing.” Genesis 27:19

Jacob’s Are Everywhere

If you look around, you will discover that there are Jacob’s everywhere. He was a normal, average young person—and—a momma’s boy. His ambitious quality is soon outranked by his deceptive nature.

When he first started to pursue God, it was out of necessity and not out of faithfulness. He was running for his life and needed God to move on his behalf.

When he negotiated with his brother for the birthright, God had a purpose for his life. When he wore his brother’s clothes and stole the blessing from his father, God had a purpose for His life. And, when he fled his homeland to his uncle’s house, God had a purpose for His life.

Jacob had purpose, but did not have an understanding of what God was doing in his life.

  • He didn’t know that his name, which meant ‘deceiver’, was going to be changed to Israel, meaning ‘may God prevail’.
  • He didn’t know that an entire Nation—Israel—was going to be named after him.
  • And, He didn’t know that God planned to bring twelve tribes of Israel from his loins.

Never confuse the process with your purpose.

There may be things in your life that you may not understand, but God will put you through a process to get you to the purpose of your life.

Prayer: Lord, help me understand that You have a purpose for my life. Help me to trust the process, even when it is difficult and even when it hurts.


Angela Overton is a lover of words, nature, and coffee. She is an ordained minister with the UPCI, has a Masters Degree in Theology, and loves to teach Bible studies. She and her amazing husband, Michael, pastor in Silver Spring, Maryland.


  1. Shirlane Grant Reply

    Little did I know how much I needed this article today. It’s so easy to get bent out of shape through the process and miss what God is doing. It’s so easy to beat ourselves up when we don’t quite get it and we make mistakes, but if we trust God and the process, we’ll understand that he’s working things out for our good and according to His plans. Wheh!!! I so needed this today ❤️

    • Amen, sis. So many times when I write or prepare a sermon, it’s for me. God always has a perfect plan, even if I do not understand the journey. Praying that you feel the strength of the Lord as you are in the olive press and praying the anointing oil flows freely in your life. God is at word. Amen!

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