“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” I Corinthians 13:12.

In the past the phrase “twenty-twenty vision” always referred to having perfect vision. When we went for our eye checkup, if this were not the case, we were given corrective lenses to offset the problem.

Now this phrase has taken on a whole new meaning to the world. From now on those words will always remind us of a year in our lives that most of us would like to forget. Many have lost loved ones, some have lost jobs, and our whole world has been turned upside down.

But let’s look at it in the concept of our spiritual vision. Have our eyes been opened in a new way to what we have heard taught and preached for many years? Could it be that the Lord has allowed what we have faced this year to prepare us for what is around the bend? As we read His Word and listen to pastors and teachers, have our spiritual eyes been opened to realize that He is coming very soon? Is he correcting some things to ensure that we have perfect vision regarding our relationship to Him?

We can either look back on the year twenty-twenty, feeling sorry for ourselves and what we have had to do without. OR we can give thanks to the Lord for the many ways He has blessed us. We have either drifted from our faith or we have drawn closer to the Lord.

It is time to check our vision. Are we looking forward with anticipation to the soon coming of the Lord? Are we spending time each day with Him in prayer and studying the Word of God? Have we made sure that there is nothing in our heart that separates us from the Lord, and that would keep us from being ready for His return? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then maybe it is time to “get spiritual glasses” to correct your spiritual vision.

Twenty-twenty: a year of regret or a year of growth in Jesus Christ. Check your vision today.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we thank you for this year that is coming to a close. Thank you for your protection and for the lessons we have learned. Continue to work in our hearts, restoring our vision of your coming, and drawing us closer to you.

Devotion by Anne Johnston


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