“And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast:  The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus.” John 12:21-22


Jesus had just ridden into Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey, as people waved palm branches and shouted “Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord .Probably most of them were rejoicing, thinking that He was about to overthrow the Romans and start His rule as their King.  What a glorious day it was!


When the disciples brought this question to Jesus, His answer was very different from what they expected.  He began to tell them about His coming death and that those who followed Him would need to become as servants, willing to lay down their life for Him.  A voice came from Heaven saying that Jesus was and would be glorified.  Then Jesus told them plainly that His life would be coming to an end. He gave them this promise, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”


These Greeks were requesting to get close to and talk to the one they considered as their king, but He showed them plainly that it was not His plan to set up a kingdom here on earth but a kingdom in the hearts of those who desired to leave all and follow Him.  When He was no longer on the earth with them, they would be His witnesses, and manifest His Spirit to the world.


Our desire should be not only to see Jesus, but to pattern our lives after His, to manifest the attributes that He manifested, so that others would see Jesus in us.  Over the next few days, let us look at some of qualities that Jesus possessed and how we can have them operating in our lives so that the world sees Jesus in us.


Prayer:  Lord Jesus, we are so thankful for your Word, that teaches us about You and how we can be more like You.  Guide our steps today and make us more like you.


Devotion by Anne Johnston


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