“No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the Lord.”
Proverbs 21:30
We like to make plans. Our schedules are always filled with upcoming events, birthday parties, soccer games, etc. We usually like to do the same thing when it comes to our spiritual lives. Chasing the next big thing and pursuing dreams that maybe aren’t meant to become reality just yet.
No plan can stand against our Lord though, and we must learn the art of patience when it comes to the will of a God for our lives. Do you struggle with this as much as I do? I don’t like to slow down, or have curveballs thrown my way. I like to keep moving forward, and to feel like I’m accomplishing something.
Patience is key though, and learning to be still can benefit our ministries immensely. Being still doesn’t mean doing nothing, rather it means to keep on keeping on but not stepping outside of what He has for us. God has called me to certain things and avenues of ministry but they aren’t meant to be for right NOW. So I will labour at what I can – teaching Sunday school, worship leading, serving the church and being a helping hand to my pastor and his family.
Where can you serve today?
God, I am thankful for the plans You have for my life. I know You only have the best in store for me, so help me to be patient as I wait for Your promises to come to pass and to do what I can in this moment for Your kingdom.
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