…I will go about Your altar, O Lord, that I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all Your wondrous works. (Psalm 26:6-7)
I believe one of the devil’s favorite lies is to make you think your story is not worth sharing. I know, because I believed that lie for a long time. I was raised in the church, and I grew in God slowly. After years of preaching, teaching, prayer, Bible study, Bible Quizzing, and more ministry and support poured into me than a person should need, I learned to walk with God.
One night in 2016, I sat in conviction as Missionary Zachary Sportsman preached about the three main reasons we don’t share our story. 1. We get ashamed. 2. We don’t understand. 3. We tell ourselves no one wants to hear it. I didn’t want those words to be about me, but as he spoke, my mind said, “Check. Check. Check.” God had nudged me to share a part of my story I had written, but I had written it and let it die.
That night at the altar I made a commitment to God that I would not let those feelings silence me, and I shared my story the way I felt I should. As I did, I felt sorry that I had wasted so much time worrying about myself instead of glorifying God and trying to increase someone’s faith.
If you’re like me, you might worry that your story is either too boring or too wild, too unusual or too generic, too sinful or too sheltered… If you worry, you can’t win.
The devil doesn’t mind which excuse you use as long as you stay quiet.
I hope you will feel that tension lift, as I did, when you realize that a testimony is not about you. It’s about remembering God’s goodness, His daily mercies, and His unfailing faithfulness. When you look back for evidence of His hand in your life, you will see the story He wants you to tell. He will show you the right opportunity where someone is waiting who needs to hear it!
What’s Your Story?
When were you surprised by an answered prayer?
When did you feel the most loved by God?
When did you know a miracle had happened?
What helped you understand God’s love for you?
When did God help you be loving when it was difficult?
When did the Holy Ghost give your courage?
When did you find joy at a difficult time?
When did you feel the peace of God at a tough time?
When did God show you how he ordered your steps?
When did God give you a second chance?
When did a difficult situation carry a hidden blessing?
What was a turning point that drew you to God in a more personal way?
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