“And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the LORD was with him.” I Samuel 18:14.
As we read the account of David’s life after he had slain Goliath, we see why he was called a man after God’s own heart. David, no doubt, was completely aware that he had been chosen to be the next king, yet he submitted himself to Saul and obeyed him.
Saul plotted to have him slain by the Philistines, and even by his own son Jonathan. But, in all instances, God provided a way of escape. Saul lied to David by promising to him his oldest daughter as wife, and when he later gave him the younger daughter it was meant to trap him. Through it all, David remained humble and obedient to Saul.
Eventually, David had to flee from Saul, but even in his time of exile, he still was submitted, even giving up a couple of chances to kill Saul. He was submitted to God and loyal to the one who God had anointed. He was willing to wait for God’s timing to fulfill His plan. In due time, God gave him the kingdom.
How often we get impatient and are not willing to wait for God to work out His plans for our life. Like David, we must be faithful, and trust God for His timing.
Prayer: Lord, may we live each day faithful to you, and trusting your guidance and direction.
Devotion by Anne Johnston
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