Luke 1:38 “And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.”

I believed when I reached a certain age in life that I would finally be in the will of God. I would possibly be ministering, leading worship, or travelling and showing off all my wisdom and knowledge. I thought it was what I was aiming for, that point in life where the dust finally settled and everything was perfect. How wrong I was.

Being surrendered and submitted to the perfect will of God is a daily decision and commitment. I spent a full year of my life believing I was in the will of God and not understanding why I couldn’t move forward. I kept hitting the same road blocks and going in circles. I finally woke up one day and realized I wasn’t surrendered at all, I wanted my will. I had to start new that day, recommit myself and realize that my plans for life are not nearly as grand as His are. Not even close actually.

Mary’s prayer is so simple, but so beautiful at the same time. Can you imagine the fear she felt in that moment? But almost instantly she is crying out, “be it unto me according to thy word.” What tremendous faith and trust in her God!

Prayer: Lord, help me realize if I have stepped out of Your perfect will for my life. Draw me back to You. Transform my mind and give me a heart that beats for You and Your Word.

Devotion by Caitlin Walker


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