“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
Many years ago, when I was attending Bible College, one of our teachers had planned to go with us on a weekend trip. As we were preparing to leave, she suddenly said she felt a check from the Lord and decided not to go. We never did know why, but for some reason the Lord showed her that she was to stay home.
Have you ever started your day with a plan as to what you would do or accomplish that day? But during your busy day, a phone call came or something else happened that caused you to drop what you were doing and go to help a friend or family member. How do we react to these interruptions in our schedule? Do we view it as a sense of duty, something we are obligated to do? Or do we see it as a divine interruption, a chance God has given us to minister to another?
As we begin each day, we must acknowledge that the Lord is in complete control and ask Him to direct our steps. In the Lord’s prayer, we are taught to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.” He knows where we are most needed each day, and sometimes He may interrupt what we think is essential, in order to accomplish something for His kingdom. It is human nature to become frustrated or even angry that our plans have changed. That is when we must reach out in faith, realize that He always has what’s best in mind for us, and trust Him to give us the strength for whatever He wants us to do.
God’s divine interruptions to our plans and desires, often can be the things we look back to as the greatest blessings we have experienced in life. It all hinges on how we react. We need to make plans, but we also need to be open for the direction of the Lord each day.
Prayer: Jesus, we give this day into your control, you know what is best for us. Direct our steps and use us in your kingdom.
Devotion by Anne Johnst
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