But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

As a young person, Camp Meeting was a highlight of every summer. It was a great blessing when we had a missionary family there. I can remember the year when Brother and Sister Bill Drost were preparing to return to the field. The one who was taking the offering to pay for their fare asked for a certain number of people to give one hundred dollars. I felt God wanted me to do this.

I had already registered to go to Bible College in the fall and had almost enough money in the bank to pay for my first year. One hundred dollars would make a big dent in that. But I listened to the voice of the Lord and stood to my feet, trusting that the Lord would meet my need.

I was working for McCain Produce and the busiest time of the year was the potato harvest in the fall. Part of my job was doing the payroll, and there were no computers then, so it was all calculated by hand. My boss asked me if I would consider staying on until the harvest was over, and this meant three more weeks’ pay. My brother was going to Bible School that year as well. The church took up an offering which was split between the two of us, and that made up the rest of the hundred dollars I had given. It meant going to school a bit late, but the Lord had met my need.

I learned that we can never outgive the Lord. I also learned that when He asks us to do something, it is important to obey. He may not always repay us in money or material things, but the blessings He bestows far outweigh anything we can imagine. Giving to Missions always brings a blessing.

For the three years I attended Bible College, the Lord always met my need. I remember one time coming into my room on a Monday and finding some money on my bed. If I remember correctly, it was $l.34, but that was a lot in those days. There was no note to tell me who it was from, but I knew it was from someone who had been out on a weekend trip and was blessing me with a portion of what they had received.

These may seem like trivial things but are just a couple of examples of how this scripture has been proven true in my life. God never promised to give us all we wanted, He just promised to meet all our needs. As we walk closely with the Lord, and trust in Him will all our hearts, we can rest assured that all our needs will be supplied. Sometimes we may have to step out in faith, but the Lord will never let us down.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon us, for your grace and your mercy. You know our needs better than we do, and we trust you to meet us today.

Devotion by Anne Johnston



    • Anne Johnston

      Thanks again, Fern, for your support and prayers

  1. Kelley Lewis

    I love to hear testimonies of God’s miraculous provision! I have so many of my own. Such a great reminder that no matter what we face, He will never forsake us! Just obey His Voice …His Word …and depend on Him. Thank you so much for sharing! The glory belongs to Him!

    • Anne Johnston

      Thank you, Kelley. We serve a wonderful Lord.

  2. Betty Parkey

    I enjoyed this article about God’s provisions. He never fails!

    • Anne Johnston

      Thank you, Betty, glad it was a blessing to you. We serve a great God.

  3. Shirley Beck

    I really enjoyed this and God never fails us when we put our faith in him!

    • Anne Johnston

      Thank you so much, Shirley for your support. We serve a wonderful Lord, He never fails us. God bless you.

    • Anne Johnston

      Thank you for reading and U am glad it was a blessing to you.