“Would I ever bring this nation to the point of birth and then not deliver it?” asks the LORD. “No! I would never keep this nation from being born,” says your God.” Isaiah 66:9, NIV.

We are the church. We are God’s ministers.

The prayer I would like to impart in this devotion is,“Lord, if we are too weary to deliver, give us the strength we need to birth babes in Christ.”

In my city, Silver Spring, the population is 81,472 people according to the 2022 census. 

That is 81,472 reasons to get on my face and cry out for those who are lost. 

That is 81,472 reasons to push beyond fear and insecurities to share my testimony and the love of God with people, regardless of who they are; doctors, family, Starbucks baristas, Target cashiers, co-workers, strangers at the bus stop, friends. 

What’s the population of your town or city? Or, how many employees are at your job? Every soul matters. 

Having an awareness of the souls around you will give you another reason to study the Word of God fervently and to position your life to have a consistent prayer life. Prayerlessness will sabotage your future in every aspect. 

My prayer is, “Lead me to every honest, hungry soul.” 

I believe we are on the cusp of a 3rd Great Awakening. The revival at Asbury College is proof that the spirit of God is moving in a powerful way. And, wherever the Spirit moves, we need to move with Him.  

In a postmodern world of ideologies that state there is no absolute truth, there is a growing hunger for the purity of the authentic Word of God. 

When you feel impressed to pray for someone or invite them to church, do it … do not listen to that voice of doubt that says, “They don’t want to hear what I have to say.” You’re wrong, everyone who doesn’t have God needs God. 

Prayer: Lord, give us the strength to deliver babes into Your kingdom and give us the wisdom to teach them so they can grow. Lord, let us hear the cries of the lost people of our city. Let us feel the sadness of people we talk with. Let us see past a smile and help us look beyond affluence or poverty. Let us stand in the gap for the multitudes in the valley of decision (Joel 3:14). 

Let us feel the desperation of our city, our family, and our friends. Unveil our eyes so we can see all of the people surrounding us. Convict us of complacency, that we would look past ourselves to the point of other’s needs, so this world will see that You, the way the truth, and the life, lives within us.


Angela Overton is a lover of words, nature, and coffee. She is an ordained minister with the UPCI, has a Masters Degree in Theology, and loves to teach Bible studies. She and her amazing husband, Michael, pastor in Silver Spring, Maryland.


  1. Debbie Bagwill

    Souls Gods heartbeat! Love this…thank you sis…
    Sis. Walker at Landmark Stockton this year, preached God is training us, building us for the end time. Revival is here. We need to step into the harvest.

    • Amen, Sis Bagwill. God has a harvest, let us continue to pray for laborers. I desire to see the promises of God come to pass more than ever! Jesus is coming back!