“Build for me an altar made of earth, and offer your sacrifices to me—your burnt offerings and peace offerings, your sheep and goats, and your cattle. Build my altar wherever I cause my name to be remembered, and I will come to you and bless you.”

Exodus 20:24

When I was in bible college, I heard a message preached titled “Your God File” I remember thinking, in all my wisdom as an eighteen year old, “this message isn’t for me,  I don’t even really understand it.”

Little did I know that my life would change that service.

It was one of those moments that completely redirects the trajectory of your life. I put that service into my “God File.” A file that is filled with destiny-altering moments and miracles.

I can look back through this file in my mind and remember what God has done is my past. I can recall how I was doubting my future, and God spoke to me through my pastor and told me that He has something special for my life. I can go back to when God healed my breathing problems after a Sunday service.

My God file is a book filled with altars, and moments in my life where God made His name to be remembered. Times of refreshing, healing and direction.

As you read this, I’m sure you are thinking about specific moments in your own life that are placed in your God file. They are there for a reason, and they have led you to where you are in your life right now.

They can be called back to memory in moments of doubt and frustration.  If God did it before, He most certainly can do it again!

The files can be used as a testimony to others. You can boldly say “this is what God has done in my life!”

There will be times when you question what is happening in your life, but just bring out your God file and remember all He has done! Remember the altars that have been built, and trust in the power of His name.

God, I’m thankful for everything you have done in my life. Help me to never forget all that you have done for me in the past.

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