And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day (Genesis 1:5, Holy Bible, King James).
- My writing friends journal in notebooks, recording daily events that may blossom into a memoir. I don’t journal, but I carry a small notebook to jot titles and thoughts for devotionals. From those brief scribbles, God inspires me with Scriptures and themes, a reverse approach. In the beginning, God used a straight-forward pattern, separating light from darkness and naming those divisions day and night. Although God created light first, He switched to a reverse order, calling the evening and morning as the first day. With that decision, God established a reverse pattern for the universal law for time. Each day begins in midnight darkness, not sunrise. Read about it in the Genesis, God’s memoirs penned by Moses.
Prayer:Eternal God, creator of the universe, You established time recognized by every nation. Even those who do not believe in You live by this pattern of time. You are omnipresent in light and darkness. Amen.
Devotion by Violet Carr Moore
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