I guess I could be considered a morning person. There’s just something about the freshness of a new dawn that energizes me. Morning time is when I prefer to tackle projects that need my attention (just don’t talk to me for the first hour – I also love the stillness of the morning). My energy is at peak, and my mind is fresh from sleep.

Morning also brings about a fresh perspective on things that may have been bothering me the night prior – situations over which I am fretting or answers that I am seeking. The light of a new day seems to also shed new light on life’s circumstances.

Life itself has a way of throwing us into depths of darkness at times, illness, broken relationships, financial difficulties, death of loved ones, and more. The nighttime of such situations can drag on and on, wearing on our minds and bodies. It is during these times of trouble that we must rely on our faith in Almighty God and His Word.

I often find myself relating to the ups and downs of emotions as recorded by the authors of the Book of Psalms. In the darkness of night seasons, I have learned to simply trust Him: “Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust” (Psalm 16:1, KJV). I seek His guidance for direction. “I will bless the LORD who has given me counsel, my heart also instructs me in the night seasons” (Psalm 16:7, NKJV).

And I rest in this promise:

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5, NKJV).

Sometimes there are resolutions to night seasons; sometimes we must simply heal from the brokenness of them. We may be able to give a shout of joy at the dawn of a new day. Or we may have to rely on the slow healing balm of morning’s light –as gradual as the sunrise. But when the night season is over and we see the light of victory, we can agree with Psalm 30:11 “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing . . . and clothes me with gladness.”


Reprinted from Reflections Magazine.


Melody resides in St. Louis, Missouri. She served as the editor of Reflections Magazine for eighteen years.

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