“You sent your good Spirit to instruct them, and you did not stop giving them manna from heaven or water for their thirst. For forty years you sustained them in the wilderness, and they lacked nothing. Their clothes did not wear out, and their feet did not swell!”

Nehemiah 9:20-21 NLT

Our God is the God who provides! While the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty years, He still made a way for them and they lacked nothing.

Because of their disobedience and stubbornness, they were sent to the wilderness. While this was the consequence for their actions, God never abandoned them. He still showed mercy, led them, instructed them, and sustained them.

I have made plenty of mistakes in my lifetime, and I know of this mercy. I have left the best path for my life, but God still picked me up and led me. I have struggled with questions and uncertainty, but God still instructed me. I have been without, and He sustained me.

Even in moments of weakness and failure, God is still with us and more than that, He is FOR us.

He has a plan for Your life.

He has NOT abandoned you.

He is for you, not against you.

God, help me to see you at work in my life even in moments of failure and struggle. I know You go before me, and I have peace today knowing You fight for me.

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