“And they told him, that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.” (Luke 18:37-38)

How busy is your schedule? Most of us feel harried and hurried with a “to do” list stretching much too long. Our day is full—no room for “non-essentials” and certainly no interruptions from others.

Jesus also kept an incredibly busy schedule. The task before Him, to bring salvation to the world and to train disciples who could carry on the work of establishing the church, was an awesome responsibility to crowd into three short years. Every moment counted.

Jesus Took Time for the Individual

In reading the Gospels, we find Jesus faced numerous interruptions. People pushed their way into His presence, taking up precious moments with their needs. The disciples tried to shield Him from such interruptions and to prevent those like the blind beggar by the roadside from delaying Him further. Jesus, viewing the interruption from a different perspective, stopped, asked the man’s problem, and then ministered to that need before journeying on.

Do We Make Time for Others?

Do we make room for others in our life, even if it isn’t on our “to do” list? What to us may seem an intrusion, one more thing to take our time, may be a very real and urgent need to that person. We may not realize their depth of despair or how close they may be to giving up. A few moments to listen, offer a smile, or give a quick hug can make all the difference.

These “holy interruptions” may be our own child, a parent, a neighbor, our boss, an elderly friend, a new convert, or a church visitor. Do we make time in our life for people?  Or is our schedule more important than someone in need? If we pause for a moment, we can remember some of those interruptions—and perhaps the impatience we felt as we listened.

Modern technology allows us to filter out many of these interruptions. We have voicemail and caller ID to screen our calls. Even when we come face to face with someone, our hurried manner, automatic smile, and quick answer lets them know we don’t have time just now. True, many intrusions are time stealers and are bothersome. But we must be careful to not “screen out” those the Lord puts in our way. These are the ones He places in our path and wants us to minister to and encourage.

Some Interruptions Are a God Moment

When you feel too busy, pause to remember all the interruptions Jesus faced. Yet He unfailingly made room in His life for others. Remember, some interruptions are “holy interruptions” and come from God. Your concern and compassion may change a life.

Lord, slow me down so I can recognize those You place in my path to help. Give me wisdom as I speak words of encouragement into their life. This person matters to You, and they matter to me as well.

Suggestion: Keep a diary for the next few weeks of the “holy interruptions” God sends your way. Who did He send? How did you respond? What need was in that life? Make these needs part of your daily prayer time.


Mary enjoys traveling, meeting new people, and spending time with old friends. Although directionally challenged, she would rather take the back roads with their discoveries than the boredom of the interstate.

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