“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” (Colossians 3:15 in the King James Version of the Holy Bible.)
Paul wrote to the church at Colossi letting them know that God must be the ruler in their hearts. It’s important for us today to remember that the peace of God is the decisive proof that the heart is right with God. When a man loses his peace, it is proof that he has lost something else; that he has given way to evil, and grieves the Spirit of God. While peace rules, all is safe.
Having peace with God will cause peace and unity with others too. How thankful we should be for the body of Christ. Those who are unthankful become agitated, restless and dissatisfied with those around them. Peace promotes order and gratitude to God for His mercies.
I ask you today, is peace ruling your heart? If not, relinquish your heart to Jesus!
Prayer: My prayer today echoes a song, “Peace, peace, wonderful peace, coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit forever I pray in fathomless billows of love.” Amen!
Devotion by Kaye Singleton
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