woman_in_field“He must increase, but I must decrease”  (John 3:30 in the King James Version of the Holy Bible).

We live in a world of self absorbed people!  Many are of the opinion that the world revolves around them.  Look on social media at the selfies posted every day.  Selfies are fine and fun to do, but, if your wall is full of selfies, there is a problem.

John knew his place and purpose was to introduce the coming Messiah to those he came in contact with.  He was simply the forerunner.  As his congregation grew it could have been tempting to keep his following for himself, but John knew his purpose.

The purpose of his ministry was to point others to Christ.  John understood that Jesus must increase while his own influence must decrease.  The Message reads this way,  “This the assigned moment for him to move into the center, while I slip off to the sidelines.”

What an honor it is to witness and see people come to God.  When we have done our part, we want Jesus to become everything in their lives.  It’s ALL about Him.  It’s not about us.

Prayer:  Jesus, I want You to be LORD of ALL in my life.  

Devotion by  Kaye Singleton


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