“The Lord is my light and my salvation — so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?”

Psalms 27:1

It seems as though the world is getting darker and darker each day. Horrors that hid in the shadows for far too long are now being brought to light again, and it is devastating to see the brokenness of humanity. Sin is being celebrated, and it feels as though the darkness is gaining traction and taking ground. Humanity as a whole appeared to have been sleepwalking for so long and is only now becoming aware of the chaos that surrounds us.

We are broken and lost. So when I (naturally) feel overwhelmed by all the devastation I must turn to the Word of God. His word is filled with promises, truth, peace, and strength and truly is my sustenance in terms of confusion and loss. 

God is my light – so I don’t have to fear the darkness closing in around me.

He is my salvation. 

My Savior.

He is my fortress, and I can find refuge, safety, and protection in Him.

I don’t have to tremble with fear at what is happening around me. If I have placed myself under the shadow of His wings, I will be okay. Am I going to have moments of doubt, worry, and anxiety? Probably. I am follower of Christ, but also still human. I must choose to turn back to His word and to remind myself that He is always in control.

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