“The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God’s help live in joy.” (Psalm 69:32 in the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible)
Where you live will have a profound effect on how you perceive things. I’m not talking about your physical house, but your spiritual house. Our bodies are temples of God and we can live in joy when we have Him dwelling on the inside!
It worries me when I see people who don’t have the joy of the Lord. Everything is tainted without His joy. Their outlook on life is affected when the wonderful ingredient of joy is lacking.
Just yesterday someone asked me what was wrong with a lady who used to come to church. She had a conversation on the phone with her and joy is now lacking even in her voice.
We make indelible impressions on everyone we meet. When God is at work in your life you have no reason to go around looking sad. He makes us glad!
Prayer: Lord, today I seek Your help to live in joy! For the joy of the Lord is my strength even when things are going wrong I can draw on Your strength and live in joy.
1 Comment
Yes, Amen. Truly “The Joy Of The Lord Is My Strength.
Blessed day to you all.